For the time being I'm looking for a new place to practice, but in the meantime, I will come to your place !

A typical session usually lasts one hour but it needs a little more time before and/or after for some questions.

The patient is dressed in comfortable clothes that can allow free movement and is lying down on a futon. (For sessions at your place a folded blanket can be used if you don’t have a futon) 

Fares and schedule

Y 6000 / session
(no transportation fees !!!)

My timetable is quite flexible but of course it depends on previous appointments. Please contact me with your prefered time and date, daytime or in the evening, week-end included.

About me

My name is Mélanie Lacombe.
I started to learn shiatsu in Paris, France, in September 2000.
Iokai Shiatsu teaches a very traditionnal shiatsu. It’s the school of the renowned Sasaki Sensei who teaches in several countries in Europe.
You can find more information here:

I graduated from the school in May 2005 and I’ve been living in Tokyo since then. I keep on improving my practice and research as I practice yoga and train in internal martial arts (Xing Yi quan, Ba Gua Zhang, Tai Ji Quan). 

I also study other types of massage such as Thai massage.

Feel free to contact me for any additional information, and of course to make an appointment !